Titan Drills Pro


Due to the considerable improvements we have made to the app, Titan ball machines purchased before November 2024 will need a software update before you can use Titan Drills Pro. 

To check if your machine requires an upgrade please check the software version number displayed on the screen on start up. 

If your machine displays VER: 7.3 or higher your machine software is up to date and you can begin using the new app.

If your machine displays a version number less than 7.3 (eg, 6.1, 6.2, 7.1, 7.2) you will need to update the machine"s firmware before using the new app.

Follow the prompts on the app to complete the update or for more details read the these instructions.

  1. Turn on the Titan ball machine
  2. Ensure you have Bluetooth enabled on your phone
  3. Open the Titan Drills Pro app
  4. Select your machine type from the list (Tennis, Pickleball or Padel)
  5. Click [ Connect to Titan ]
  6. A message will appear to say the software needs updating. Click [ Update ]
  7. Follow the prompts on screen to complete the update


If you receive a message saying there are drills detected on your machine that differ significantly from those on the app, you will need to decide whether to keep drills loaded on the machine, or load the drills that are on the new app.

If the machine is new we recommend you select “load drills from app” or “Use App data”

If you already have drills saved on your machine we recommend select “keep drills on machine” or "Use Machine data”

If you have drills on the old app that you want to use on the new app, we recommend you save them as QR codes first so you can load them onto the new app. Open the old app, select Share in the edit mode (top right), and save in your phone photo gallery.



There are three ways of adding a new drill to Titan Drills Pro. 

customise new drill using the app, 

load drill using a QR Code by scanning or from phone gallery

load drill from the Titan Drill Library.

Option 1: Using the app to Create a Drill

Use this option if you want to make your own custom drill. You can set the locations on the court that you want the ball to land, set the number of balls in the drill, and adjust the speed, height, spin and feed rate for each ball.

Watch this video or follow the instructions below. At the Youtube setting, enable the Subtitles 

To create a new custom drill:

  1. Click the menu button (top left)
  2. Click Add Drill
  3. Click Create a Drill
Add a drill

Ball Machine Position – By default the ball machine is set up behind the baseline, in the center of the court. You can change the position of the machine by clicking another machine location. Note the preview feature will not work unless the ball machine location is in the default position.

Add a shot – Notice the locations marked on the court. Click any of these locations to add a shot to that point on the court. A new shot will be added to the drill.

The individual shots that make up the drill are displayed below the court diagram. Notice the shots listed below: S1 = shot 1, S2 = shot 2 etc. The location of each shot is illustrated on the small court diagram.

Repeat a shot – Increase the loop number to repeat the same shot.

Add Random Shot – click Add Random Shot, click on the court to select the range of locations you want the ball to land and click Done. Increase the loop count if you want to repeat the random shot.

Re-order a shot – click and drag a shot up or down the list.

Delete a shot – swipe right on a shot to delete it.

Name the drill – Click the menu icon (top right) and select [ Rename Drill ].

Save the drill – Click [ Save and Start ] to save the drill and start playing it.
Click [ Save ] to save it and return to the drill list.

Option 2: Load from QR code

Click [Load From QR code], and you can scan from QR code from another phone or from youtube,  or you can select from your phone photo gallery of saved drills.

Option 3: Load from Library

Click [Load from Library], and select from [My Collection] of your own saved drills, or [Recommended] which consists of Titan's affiliates recommendations. Youtube reviews are available in [Recommended] drills.

Machine Setting Menu

To enter Machine Setting, press button 3 and 4 simultaneously. 

Note: in this mode, Button 1 = exit.   Button 2 = Enter.  Button 3 = UP  Button 4 = DOWN

HOURS USED :  total time used since new.  Cannot be reset. Tap button 2 to view the number of hours used.  Also shows the battery voltage, 20V is fully charged, 16V indicates battery low.  

BUZZER : to enable or mute buzzer.  Tap button 2 to select with UP or DOWN, then button 1 to exit.

EMPTY HOPPER STOP : to enable or disable auto stop when hopper is empty. In enable mode, hopper feeder stops rotating after sensing no ball entering machine.  Front LED will change to RED when empty.

LED ON / OFF : enable or disable front LED indicator

HORZ RANGE : to set horizontal left / right directions limit during random horizontal mode.  Extreme left = 1, extreme right = 20.  To bring the ball placement near to center, set HORZ MIN & HORZ MAX closer to 10.  Center of baseline = 10.  The set limits will not affect the min and max range in the drill editing mode. 

HEIGHT RANGE : to set the min and max height during random height mode. 

FW VERSION : firmware version.  Titan support team may asks for the FW version in case of machine problem.


Custom Drill Settings for Pickleball

Due to many requests from our Titan pickleball community, we have published the custom drill factory settings for the Titan Pickleball machine.

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